English test

Les langues, faites le point!

En collaboration avec Berlitz

  1. Why are you turning on the television ? I ___ the news.
  2. Do you happen to know where Bob is ?
  3. I am going to the post office ___ you want me to post anything for you. I would be glad to.
  4. Sue ___ to the bank to withdraw money twice this week.
  5. I ___ to Rome on holiday many times.
  6. When the telephone rang, the secretary ___ a letter.
  7. They often work late on Thursdays, but last week they ___ as long as usual.
  8. If he ___ time, he'll come by the house for coffee.
  9. We have been doing business with that country ___ many years.
  10. I would have arrived at the meeting on time if I ___ home earlier.
  11. They started working on the project at 8 a.m. It is 10 a.m., so they ___ for two hours now.
  12. We ___ live in London when we were young.
  13. I won't go to the cinema with you tonight because I ___ that film last week.
  14. Who ___ the book A Passion for Excellence ?
  15. Very ___ Americans speak Chinese fluently.
  16. We have got ___ good news for you about the Smith contract.
  17. Since my promotion I have ___ office.
  18. I can't go to the movies because I have ___ time this evening.
  19. Look at this! It's ___.
  20. You can buy stamps at ___ post office.
  21. I hear they're planning ___ an office in Cairo.
  22. We look forward ___ a long lasting business relationship.
  23. I didn't book the flight myself, I ___.
  24. Please don't be late for the meeting. We want to begin ___.
  25. Jane likes her job. She is very ___ in her work.
  26. The report must be finished ___ Thursday.
  27. Have you heard ___ the company since we sent them a reply to their inquiry ?
  28. They plan to go to the Hanover Trade Fair ___ September.
  29. I don't really care ___ any coffee right now, thank you.
  30. Would you mind ___ ? The connection is bad and I can't hear you very well.
  31. We want to avoid ___ the meeting if at all possible.
  32. I want to learn English ___ in my career.
  33. You have an appointment in 30 minutes. You ___ leave now.
  34. The bank discovered that the ___ was counterfeit.
  35. I disagree with you ! I found the restaurant very reasonable and the food was excellent. It was ___ overpriced ___ overrated.
  36. Taking the minutes at the meeting was ___ than I thought.
  37. After his trip to London he sounded ___ he were English.
  38. Next autumn it would've been 10 years.
  39. The fire spead through the building very quickly but everyone ___ escape.
  40. ___ that he is living on a Greek island.

R�ponses correctes :

Score =

Vous obtenez entre 12 et 39 %, vous avez un niveau �l�mentaire, c'est � dire que vous �tes capable de comprendre et de vous faire comprendre dans des situations de tous les jours telles que donner ou demander son chemin, prendre des rendez-vous, laisser des messages, s'occuper des r�servations simples pour un voyage, etc. Vous pouvez relater des �v�nements au pr�sent et au pass�. Vous pouvez �crire de br�ves correspondances sur des sujets familiers.

Si vous obtenez entre 40 et 82 %, vous �tes capable de comprendre et de converser ais�ment dans les situations de tous les jours, vous pouvez manier la plupart des structures fondamentales de la langue, y compris de nombreuses phrases idiomatiques usuelles. Vous pouvez suivre le sens g�n�ral d'une conversation entre natifs du pays. Vous pouvez r�pondre � des messages personnels courants et vous pouvez comprendre des textes sur des sujets familiers.

Si vous obtenez plus de 83 %, vous parlez ais�ment de sujets g�n�raux et vous participez facilement � des conversations d'ordre social ou professionnel. Vous pouvez avoir des discussions d'affaires et vous pouvez effectuer une pr�sentation professionnelle. Vous �tes plut�t � l'aise au t�l�phone et vous poss�dez une compr�hension suffisante de la langue pour lire pour votre plaisir. Vous pouvez r�diger des lettres et des rapports courts, avec supervision.