With reference to the healthiest part of the Italian enterprises, the middle and the small enterprises, which have always been considered the �true� wealth of our industry, we must admit that to face the European competition should not have been easy. Often, these enterprises have not been managed by the right management and the re-organisation has lied only in a slimming of the staff, just in order to be ready to face the worse times.
An other " stop " to assumptions has come from the frenzied needing of company fusion. In the last three years, more than ever, in fact, in Italy, so many enterprises decided to join the own forces in order to face easily the global competition.
Then, a Governmental politic, which was to much engaged in making square the budgets to be admitted in Europe, has not been able to organise a support to the companies and a re-launching of the occupation.
Fortunately, in a so negative setting, a new revolution happened in the most industrialised countries of the world, and therefore also in Italy; the new computer science technologies and the telecommunications.
Thanks to this enormous industrial sector it has been possible to keep the occupation stable.
The fixed telephony, the mobile telephony, Internet, Java, E-business, the millenium bug had offered, and will continue to offer for years, extraordinary job opportunities.
Practically, it is necessary to rewrite the software of all these companies. Never, like at this moment, the pages of newspapers have been therefore full of announcements of enterprises searching for young people (even not graduated) with good computer science knowledge.
We have pleasure in informing You that Mercurius has realised a software, which can be FREELY downloaded in Internet http://www.mercurius.it and which helps You in writing Your Curriculum quickly and easily.
There is an Italian equivalent of Success and Career called � Azienda Informa �
It is available at a cost of 25 CHF (plus extra for postage and packing) at Success and Career.
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