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- Success & Career
Appen is Hiring - Flexible Schedule - For French or German Speakers in Switzerland - Appen
Type d'emploi:
Taux d'activité:
Success and career
Appen is Hiring - Flexible Schedule - For French or German Speakers in Switzerland
Secteur d'activité:
Type de métier:
Type d'emploi:
Taux d'activité:
Lieu de travail:
Employé |
Niveau de formation:
Bachelor (EPF/HES/UNI)
Allemand, Français |
Nationalité / Type de permis:
Suisse |
Interested in becoming a part of something big? We’ve got just the thing for you!
Appen’s Global Crowdsourcing Network is exactly the way it sounds: an online community of people from every corner of the world coming together to create something huge. We love our crowd; they are an amazingly diverse group of individuals. In fact they are the reason we think crowdsourcing is a truly awesome endeavor. They are students and professionals, mothers and veterans, teachers and gamers. Each one has something unique to contribute to the crowd.
But what is it that they contribute to?
Crowdsourcing runs on the belief that more heads are better than one. Instead of obtaining ideas or opinions from a small number of employees, our crowd utilizes the internet to help researchers collect data that is used in projects ranging from audio transcription to user experience and content evaluation. This mix of so many different people also means that the results are of exceptional quality and help our clients’ products become even better.
Your life comes first!
Appen believes that work is only a part of life, not all of it. Our crowd works when they want, for how long they want from the comfort of, well, wherever they want! Income is based solely on effort and creates an even playing field for everyone. It is through dedication alone that our top earners are able to make over $25/hour! This means there are no time commitments, no quotas, just you.
We have opportunities available all over the world, and they're waiting for you! Don’t hesitate another moment. Apply today!
If interested, please click on the link below and register.
For French Speakers:
For German Speakers:
For further questions, please send an email to [email protected]. Please indicate on the email the country that you are currently in.
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