- startseite
- Stellenangebote
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- Lebenslauf
- Das Interesse des Lesers wecken
- Die richtige Form
- Der Inhalt
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- Soft Skills aufwerten
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- Lügen oder Beschönigungen im Lebenslauf
- Die Anlagen zum Lebenslauf
- Zusammenfassung
- Lebenslauf die 10 meistgestellten Fragen
- 10 Tipps zum Aufpeppen eines spärlichen Lebenslaufs
- 10 Tipps zum Strukturieren eines zu umfangreichen Lebenslaufs
- Beispiele von Lebensläufen
- Der Lebenslauf aus Personaler-Sicht
- Sprachkompetenz
- Bewerbungsschreiben
- Sind Bewerbungsschreiben noch gefragt?
- Antwort auf eine Stellenanzeige oder Spontanbewerbung
- An wen richten Sie Ihr Bewerbungsschreiben?
- An wen adressieren Sie Ihr Bewerbungsschreiben?
- Ein wirkungsvolles Bewerbungsschreiben
- Die Dreierregel
- Klassische Fehler
- Wenn Ihre Bewerbung zurückkommt
- Beispiele für Bewerbungsschreiben
- Online-Bewerbung
- Vorstellungsgespräch
- So bereiten Sie sich vor
- Erfolgreich sein
- Typische Fragen
- Soft Skills während des Vorstellungsgesprächs
- 10 irritierende Verhaltensweisen
- 10 unbeholfene Aussagen
- Die goldenen Regeln
- Die Motivations-E-Mail nach dem Vorstellungsgespräch
- Seine Referenzen auswählen
- Die Gehaltsverhandlung
- Bewerbungsgespräche via Skype
- Das Informationsgespräch
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- Absolventenmessen
- Virtuelle Karrieremesse
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- Arbeitswelt
- Success & Career
HIRING! French or German Speakers in Switzerland (Flexible Schedule) - Appen
Art der Stelle:
Success and career
HIRING! French or German Speakers in Switzerland (Flexible Schedule)
Abwart/Abwärtin, Koch/Köchin, Housekeeping, Rezeption, Telemarketing/Telefonverkauf, Sonstiges
Art der Stelle:
Mitarbeiter |
Bachelor (ETH, Hochschule, Uni)
Deutsch, Französisch |
Nationalität / Arbeitsbewilligung:
Schweizer/in |
"Appen was named in Forbes as one of the Top 100 Companies Offering Flexible Jobs in 2014"
Interested in becoming a part of something big? We’ve got just the thing for you!
Appen’s Global Crowdsourcing Network is exactly the way it sounds: an online community of people from every corner of the world coming together to create something huge. We love our crowd; they are an amazingly diverse group of individuals. In fact they are the reason we think crowdsourcing is a truly awesome endeavor. They are students and professionals, mothers and veterans, teachers and gamers. Each one has something unique to contribute to the crowd.
Become part of a rapidly growing global network of independent contractors. Appen, a language technology solutions and consulting firm, is looking for motivated individuals.
But what is it that they contribute to?
Crowdsourcing runs on the belief that more heads are better than one. Instead of obtaining ideas or opinions from a small number of employees, our crowd utilizes the internet to help researchers collect data that is used in projects ranging from audio transcription to user experience and content evaluation. This mix of so many different people also means that the results are of exceptional quality and help our clients’ products become even better.
Your life comes first!
Appen believes that work is only a part of life, not all of it. Our crowd works when they want, for how long they want from the comfort of, well, wherever they want! Income is based solely on effort and creates an even playing field for everyone. It is through dedication alone that our top earners are able to make over $25/hour! This means there are no time commitments, no quotas, just you.
We have opportunities available all over the world, and they're waiting for you! Don’t hesitate another moment. Apply today!
If interested, Please see the project details through the link below and click apply.
For French Speakers:
For German Speakers:
Alternative links
For French Speakers:
For German Speakers:
For questions, please send an email to [email protected]. Please indicate on the email the country that you are currently in.
If you want to know more about our company, please visit our website, www.appen.com or you can search it online.
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